Why are dog not afraid of anything but are very afraid of thunder?

Why are dogs afraid of thunder?

In the past, dogs were seen as symbols of courage and loyalty. Today, we view them as close companions in the home, but this trusted friend often has a fear of thunderstorms.

Anyone who has a dog knows that one of their biggest fears is the sound of thunder. Here are some reasons why dogs are afraid of thunder:

1.   Dogs’ sensitive senses

Dogs have sensory organs that are much more sensitive than those of humans, which makes them more aware of changes in their surroundings, especially when there’s thunder.

When the weather forecasts a storm, dogs can detect changes in air pressure, along with the appearance of dark clouds and cold winds. This makes our furry friend feel scared and stressed.

2.   The presence of static electricity

Dogs’ fear of thunder is not just due to their sensitive senses but also because of static electricity. According to veterinarian Nicholas Dodman from Tufts University, large dogs with thick and long coats are often affected by static electricity.

During stormy weather, the change in the air causes static electricity in dogs’ fur, which can result in them getting shocked when they come into contact with metal objects. This is similar to humans experiencing electric shocks during cold winter weather.

How to make dogs feel safe during a thunderstorm

1.   Prepare a safe hiding place, and prevent exposure to static electricity

During storms, dogs often seek a secluded spot to hide, so create a comfortable hiding area for your pet. Make sure they don’t come into contact with metal objects to avoid static shocks.

2.   Distract your pet’s attention

Dogs usually feel scared when they hear loud thunder, so create white noise to distract them, such as the sound of a fan or air conditioner. This will help them feel calmer.

3.   Comfort and reassure them with loving gestures

When dogs become anxious and frightened, be their friend and comfort them by petting and stroking their head. This will help them feel more at ease.


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