If you have never taken this pill, then you are definitely an honest person

Answer: This “pill” is not actually something harmful or illegal, but rather a special effects capsule filled with fake blood. It’s primarily used in the entertainment industry, like in movies, TV shows, theatrical performances, and even Halloween makeup, to simulate realistic injuries. These capsules are designed to break easily when bitten, releasing a red liquid that looks like real blood, creating a dramatic effect for scenes involving injuries or violence.

The capsules are often used in horror films, action movies, or even medical dramas to portray scenes of intense bleeding without using dangerous or harmful methods. Special effects artists and actors rely on these capsules to create a convincing performance that helps immerse the audience in the story. The fake blood inside is usually made from safe, non-toxic ingredients, designed to be used in the mouth or on the skin.

If you’ve never used one, it’s probably because you haven’t needed to participate in any special effects work or elaborate makeup for performances. So, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re more “honest,” but rather that you’ve simply never had a reason to use this theatrical trick! Many people outside the entertainment world are unaware that such capsules even exist, but they play a significant role behind the scenes in creating the magic of storytelling.

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