Say goodbye to the flu and clean the lungs forever with this old recipe

Say goodbye to the flu and clean the lungs forever with this old recipe


5 carrots
Lemon juice from 1 lemon
4 tbsp of honey.


Wash and peel carrots
Slice the carrots into small pieces
Leave it to boil for 5 minutues
Cut lemon in half
Squeeze it
Add 1 liter of water
Put carrot slices into the water
Boil for a couple of minutes
As soon as it boils, let it cool down
Then, smash the carrots
Put it in a grass jar
Add lemon juice
Next, add the 4 tbsp of honey
Refrigerate it.

Consume 5 tbsp. os this syrup on a daily basis untill the symptoms disappear completely.

Besides the above-mentioned advantages, this homemade syrup will fight inflammation
and soreness in the joints, bones, and in the muscle tissues, fights stress, and soothes
the nerves and anxiety.

Besides, it will provide you with the energy needed for the entire day. Moreover, it will treat acid reflux,
gastritis, and heartburn.

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